Thursday, October 12, 2017

Counselor's Corner: Contending with the Spirit of Witchcraft

Christians, we need to be wise and discerning against the wiles of the enemy. We should not be fearful, suspicious, or judgmental against people who practice witchcraft, but love and bless those who do not understand the things of God.

For many who are involved in the occult it is for power. Woman who are involved in the occult usually do so because they are trying to gain control and power in particularly over people who at one time have caused them harm.

New age, the occult and witchcraft are on the rise in America, and there must be a reason behind that. For those that dabble or fully practice witchcraft know that they possess a certain degree of power. The enemy does give limited power to those engaged in these practices. When you can have the ability to speak a curse over someone through your words, it can make you seem powerful and that you have control over someone. Word curses spoken out loud is the main way that spells and incantations are performed. Words are powerful and they have the ability to curse or bless-CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY!

Yes, there are many in the occult who do not like Christians and misunderstand them, but there are many Christians who abhor those involved in these practices. As Christians we should abhor evil, but not the person. Many who are involved in the occult are doing so innocently and need a strong, loving believer who would not judge them and to show them Christ’s love for them. However, there are some who knowingly practice what is called “black magic” and understand the evil in what they are doing. Use discernment in dealing with those entrenched in the occult. L

I know firsthand about this evil practice, at one time in my life before Christ I dabbled in occult practices such as, seances, speaking to the dead, tarot cards, numerology, horoscopes, good luck charms, and consulting mediums and psychics. I even had a personal psychic that I saw weekly and believed every word spoken to me by this medium. I did not know Jesus Christ at the time so I turned to things that kind of made me feel secure. So, let’s not be so quick to judge those who entertain occult and witchcraft practices, maybe no one has showed them the better way yet!

Because of my past in occult activities I am super sensitive to those who engage in these practices, and especially this time of year when witchcraft is more prevalent (right before Halloween and through Nov.1, the day of the dead).

As Christians we should be aware of this spirit at all times but sometimes this spirit is more active. →These are some key signs to look for when you have been contending with a spirit of witchcraft:

1.      Debilitating fatigue. You are getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night but you wake-up exhausted as if you never slept. This fatigue lasts throughout your day as if you’re in a fog.

2.      Sickness or a general feeling of being unwell. Feel like you have a cold or the flu. Nausea, vomiting and/or stomach pain. Hearing “buzzing” noises in the ear. Eyes burn or feel irritated. Imbalance in body systems.

3.      Headaches that last for days and weeks. A tight band of pressure around your head. Migraine type headaches. A dull, constant pain in your head.

4.      Pain in your neck, back or shoulders.

5.      Inordinate fears and imaginations. Fear leaving your house for something “may happen that is bad to you.”  Feel like you are being “watched and monitored.” The air around you feels strange.

6.      Confusion. Have trouble with clear thoughts.

7.      Distractions that cause you to lose your focus repeatedly.

8.      Discord and disunity between spouses and other family members.

9.      A series of things breaking or stop working, not one or two but multiple items breaking in succession. Especially anything connected to electricity. This is what unbelievers call “bad luck.” When witchcraft is at work it releases a “chain effect,” meaning it is not one thing that breaks or one misfortune but a series of hardships.

10.  Forgetfulness. Your mind feels hi-jacked, have trouble taking your thoughts captive.

11.  Trouble seeing your blessings and instead feel negative and not blessed. Inability to see the beauty in life.

12.  Discouragement and depression. Feel like quitting and giving up, especially on the things of God. Suicidal thoughts. Hearing thoughts of self-harm.

13.  Question your faith, your beliefs, and if God is really for you. Question the call of God on your life.

14.  Become easily annoyed, irritated or frustrated over small things. You feel like “sandpaper” is rubbing you raw.

15.  Feel defeated and not living the victorious life that Jesus Christ died for you.

16.  Lack of restless sleep or having nightmares/ night terrors.

17.  Disinterested in reading the Bible and/or praying. Temptation to withdraw from fellowship with other believers.

18.  Feel angry with God or blame God for your troubles.

19.  Sexually perverted thoughts or actions. Sudden and intense thoughts of impurity.

20.  Emotions feel out of control. Emotionally drained. Feel like you are “losing your mind.”

21.  Addictions of all sorts come alive.

22.  Disconnected from others. Want to run and hide.

23.  Feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness and heaviness of heart.

24.  Constant complaining, arguing and bickering.

→How to break free from the spirit of witchcraft:

*If you have family involved in the occult, witchcraft, idolatry or neighbors that are, you may have to keep yourself covered daily by the following below, trusting that God will not allow evil to rule and reign permanently over you. God will use all harm that is coming to you for your good. You will know by the Holy Spirit’s leading how often you should contend for your breakthrough.

1.      Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your home, your property the atmosphere over your property, all of your possessions (especially electronics and appliances), your vehicles, your marriage, your health, and anything else the Holy Spirit leads you to.

2.      Ask DAILY for God to surround your home, property, all you own and possess, and you and your spouse if you are married with His hedge of protection.

3.      Play praise music throughout your home and worship the Lord (especially when you don’t feel like it).

4.      Speak blessings over yourself and DO NOT come into agreement with what the enemy is showing or telling you.

5.      Read the Word of God out loud (especially of you do not feel like it).

6.      Connect to other believers through church, bible studies and/or prayer meetings (especially if you do not feel like it).

7.      Be angry and do not sin. Bless those who curse you. Let God’s forgiveness rule in your heart for others who are causing harm to you.

8.      Witchcraft attacks are often felt more in the morning time when you are first getting up. Every night before bed read scripture, pray or do something that you are connecting to God.  

9.      Repent of known sins for yourself and your ancestors. Pray the following pray as a guide:

Heavenly Father, I have repented of any and all sins in my life and in the life of my ancestors that have resulted in a curse especially in the areas of witchcraft, idolatry or any occult involvement. I renounce all the works of idolatry, witchcraft and the works of the occult in the name of Jesus Christ. I have received your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ. Every day I take my authority and break any and every curse upon my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I exercise my faith in the blood of Jesus and loose myself and my descendants from any every curse. I claim my deliverance and freedom right now in Jesus’ name. Therefore, I claim the blessings of Abraham are mine. I am not cursed but blessed. I am the head not the tail, above and not beneath. I am blessed going out and I am blessed coming in. I am blessed, my spouse is blessed, my children are blessed, my home and property are blessed, my health is blessed and I prosper in everything I do. What God has blessed cannot be cursed. Every shackle, cord, habit, chain and cycle is broken that has been a result of the curse of witchcraft in the name, the power, the authority and by the blood of Jesus Christ, amen.

*Download to print, “Prayer for breaking curses,” from Ransomed Heart at


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