Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What to Do When You Are Disappointed

A relationship does not work out, a job does not go through, or your prodigal child that you have been praying for does not seem to leave their rebellious life. We all have experienced times of disappointment, and it is a normal part of life. What is important to know is that if disappointment is not dealt with, it can eventually lead to depression. This is a scheme from the enemy. Something you really wanted does not work out, you dwell on why it did not work out, and eventually you begin to feel depressed.

Your thoughts will always follow your behavior.

7 Things to do when you feel disappointed:

1.      Consider that what may have not worked out could be God’s doing. Perhaps, He was protecting you from something you did not even know about.
2.      Go before God and ask Him to help you deal with your disappointment, and to show you the truth. Ask God to show you His perspective on the situation.
3.      Take every thought captive. Do not let your mind wander and think whatever it wants. When something disappointing has happened in your life it is natural to want to feel sorry for yourself or even think about it endlessly, but do not go there! IT IS A TRAP THAT WILL LEAD TO DEPRESSION.
4.      Do not feel sorry for yourself and “lick your wounds.” Go to God and tell Him how you feel and then release the need to feel sorry for what has happened to you.
5.      Realize that everyone, not just you, will have times that things disappoint them. It is what you do with the disappointment that will make the difference.
6.      Get up again. Shake it off. Cry if you need to, but then move on! That may sound harsh, but it is not. The enemy would love for you to “camp out” in your disappointment. He hopes you will stay a while so that it will develop into total despair.

  SIT at Jesus’ feet as long as you need to for Him to speak to you and lift off whatever is causing you to feel disappointed.

All kinds of discouraging encounters can happen to us. When they seem to pile-up on us, that is when we need to be most aware. One disappointment in our lives can be tough, but when a series of disappointments come at us, that can be paralyzing if we are not careful. Recognize those times in your life when it seems that one thing after another is occurring in your life to bring you discouragement. Discouragement is always rooted from the pits of hell, and is never originated from God. Check the source, is it God bringing discouragement or the enemy? Think about where you are at in your life that so much discouragement is coming your way. It is always a set-up to defeat you.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1.      Are you getting free from some sin area in your life, or have completely been set-free from some long-term sin in your life?
2.      Are you standing for the truth in God’s Word?
3.      Are you using your life to better the Kingdom of God?
4.      Have you recently given your testimony somewhere?

Answering yes to any of the above questions could be a very good indicator why so much discouragement has come your way. Ask God to show you. Keep moving forward, do not stop and look at all what has gone wrong, and resist the enemy and he will flee from you. Worshipping and praising God will lift off feelings of discouragement. Keeping things in perspective as well as counting all that is a blessing in your life will help.

What about you? How do you deal with disappointment in your life?

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What to Do When You Are Disappointed

A relationship does not work out, a job does not go through, or your prodigal child that you have been praying for does not seem to lea...