Surrender…Surrender all your expectations, your wants,
and desires. Peace comes from not trying to figure out your problems or
over-analyzing your problems. Peace comes in the most difficult of
circumstances when you can truly trust God with your entire life-even if all
your prayers seem unanswered or other people appear to have the very blessings
you so desire.
To keep peace you must pursue it, maintain it, and
walk in it. Peace does not mean agreeing with everyone, it means talking
through problems and issues. When others do not want to talk through issues,
then you must step aside and allow the Lord to speak to them. Some people
assume that keeping peace means doing what they want you to do, but than that
would make you a people-pleaser.
People will have disagreements, but it is
important to open the lines of communication so that the enemy does not have an
opportunity to gain in advantage. Jesus did not always go along with everyone,
there are times that we must take a stand for what is right. Real peace says, “I
love you enough to speak truth for the sake of unity.” Unity has to be worked
on, and it is a by-product of talking respectfully and honestly.
Peace does not always come when your circumstances
gets better. Actually, you will experience great peace when despite your circumstances
you choose to keep a good attitude and remain hopeful. Peace means remaining calm
and not overreacting when problems do occur. Peace says, “God is in control and
I know that He will work this out for my good.”
Enjoy the process while you’re waiting for answered prayers
and promises to be fulfilled. Lay aside every weight that is causing you to
lose peace, and focus on what is good in your life. Peace comes when you stop
focusing on what you don’t have, or how your life has not turned out the way
you would have hoped. Never say, “I will be peaceful when…” Instead you can
say,” I accept my lot in life and I am content.”
Thank you...what a really helpful post this is...have shared cos it will help many others too, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you.
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