KJV dictionary
definition of discouragement is to extinguish the courage of; depress of
spirits; to deject; to deprive of confidence or hope; to attempt to repress or
prevent; to dissuade from.
dictionary defines discouragement as a feeling of having lost hope or
confidence; something (such as failure or difficulty) that discourages someone.
refers to a sense of being overwhelmed, weary, and losing hope over
circumstances. Other times, discouragement can overtake us when we have just
had a spiritual victory, or making progress in our spiritual walk. In any case,
discouragement will cause you to feel hopeless, lose heart, and lose
Discouragement Synonyms: Hopelessness, despair, dishearten, loss of
hope, depression
Discouragement Antonyms: Encouragement, hope, and hopeful confidence.
Discouragement is a
weapon to prevent our progress, derail us from moving forward, and prevent our
destiny and purposes being fulfilled. Rest assured, if you have been
discouraged, the enemy wants to stop something from happening in your life.
Usually during this attack, your weaknesses get exposed and the enemy bombards
your mind with negative thoughts about yourself. If you listen too long to the
enemy’s voice, you will end up feeling hopeless, depressed, and feeling like a
failure. You will also lose your confidence to move ahead in what God has
planned for you. This is where a lot of Christians are derailed; when discouragement
invades them. During discouragement you can experience “old issues” coming up
again. You may even think,” Didn’t I deal with that issue before? Or Was I not
delivered (healed) from this?” The enemy is a master illusionist, so he can
make you think you are truly dealing with old issues again, and you were not healed
or delivered.
Signs to look for when Discouragement comes:
Fatigue: Your defenses are lower when you are
fatigued, and you may not feel as spiritually strong.
2. Sickness/Illness: When you are not feeling well it is easy to
become discouraged, especially if you have been healed from a certain illness,
and it appears like it is coming back, or you are still waiting on healing.
3. Women’s
monthly cycle: Hormones
change, and so does your emotions. Women are more prone to being sensitive
during this time, and discouragement can easily seep in.
4. Failure: You perceive that mistake you made has
doomed you, or you can never get passed it. You may feel like you can’t do
anything right during this time.
5. Spiritual
victory/progress: You
have determined to go forward with the things that God has called you to do;
you have made progress in your spiritual walk with God. The enemy does not like
6. When
you take your eyes off Jesus: You look to your circumstances, and you start to magnify them, ponder
them, analyze them, and try and figure them out.
Steps to overcoming
and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to overcome your discouragement.
Command, in the name of Jesus that discouragement flee from you if you discern
it is a spiritual attack.
your blessings daily and out loud.
still and know that God will get you through. Keep a good attitude during this
time, and watch what you speak. Don’t allow your words to agree with the
pull back, and take time away from the “crowds.” Renew your time with God and
Let His word refresh and restore you. Limit your schedule during this time, and
who you are around. Don’t surround yourself when you are discouraged with
negative, faith-less, discouraging people.
and worship God. Listen to some praise music to lift your spirits.
discouragement will pass, don’t give into the lies. Do not repeat, dwell or
accept the lies of the enemy. Speak what God says not what the enemy is trying
to tell you.
times of discouragement, don’t follow your feelings; wait until the
discouragement has passed before making decisions.
Reflect on these scriptures…
When the righteous cry for
help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their trouble. The Lord is
near the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions
of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:17-19
Cast your burden on the Lord,
and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm
But they who wait on the Lord
shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they
shall walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Everyone will face
discouragement at some point, but we don’t have to entertain or accept
discouragement. Don’t give into self-pity, and don’t talk down to yourself.
Recognize discouragement comes to all at some point, but we must not let the
“seed” of discouragement take root.
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