Are there hopes and desires that you once had, and now there
somewhere in the distance? Maybe you have tried to step out many different
times, only to see things crumble and lay by the waste side. Perhaps, you’re
tired of trying to get back up again, and you feel you’re your hope has been deferred
one too many times. So, now you feel stuck, stuck to go forward and try again.
You may feel what the point in trying again is.
You may be in a season in your life where you feel stuck;
you can’t go back but you’re not moving forward either. Let’s explore some
reasons why you may feel stuck.
You may feel stuck but in fact you
are not, God has you in the transition of waiting until the next season opens up.
It could be that it is not time to move forward, yet you feel antsy in your
flesh to move ahead. There is a grace and a flow when it is time to move ahead with
the things of God, and when it’s not it feels like you are in quicksand and cannot
move no matter how much you want to.
You might feel like you have tried
many times before to mend a relationship, start a ministry or business, heal an
old wound, break free from addiction and sin, get out of debt, or just enjoy
your life, but each time you try it seems to fail. This has caused you to feel
hopeless and like a failure. You have become tired and weary in the trying, and
now it is comfortable and convenient to stay where you are.
Maybe you just don’t know what to
do. You don’t know whether to go left or to go right or stay in the middle. You
don’t have clear direction about moving forward, yet you desire to go forward;
you have become tired of the waiting.
There could be resistance from the
enemy. The enemy has seen your potential and is trying to defeat and discourage
you, and thwart the plans that God has for you. You listen to the lies of the
enemy and you stay bound where you are at.
What are you to
do when you are stuck?
Detach from your regular routine. Take time and
step away and gain perspective and vision from God. Get a journal and ask God
to give you a new vision. Even if you feel like you have already done this
As with Jonah (read Jonah Chapter 3), he ran
away from God and his calling, but God was giving him a second chance in God’s
work. You may feel as though you are disqualified from serving God because of
your past mistakes, but God may be giving you a second chance. Believe God is
not done with you, no matter how many mistakes and failures that you have had.
If you feel you can’t go back to the past but
not able to go forward yet, seek God and ask Him to you if you are in a
transition period before your new season comes. Many people do not like to wait
for things, and if you are truly in a waiting and transitioning season then it
is important to wait on God for His leading.
As you live your life for God, determine not to
trust in your own strength or abilities. Sometimes, we are fearful to move
forward because we believe we can’t, not realizing it is not us but God that
can. Do what you can now, even if it seems small and insignificant because God
rejoices in what is right not necessarily what is big. Be faithful right where
you are, and whatever God has given you to do now. Begin where you are at and
do what you can, and leave the results to God. Don’t try and force promotion,
recognition, your ministry, or even change. Let God on His time promote and
give if He sees fit. Reframe your mind. Do not despise the small beginnings.
Rethink your new opportunities, even if you feel they are small, and prayerfully
consider that God may have you exactly where He wants you.
Don’t compare yourself where you are at in life
to where others are at in life. This will cause you to move ahead of God’s
timing, or resent where you are at now. There is a season for everything, and a
time for everything.
Be willing to release and let go of your past
and as the Holy Spirit leads you to move forward. Leaving the past behind you
may feel sadness, depression, isolation, and loneliness, these negative
feelings may cause you to cling to your past because it’s too painful to let
go. Ask the Holy Spirit what you need to let go in your past.
Be free and at peace to wait for God to open the
door of new opportunity, and step out when He gives new opportunities.
Embrace new opportunities and see them as second chances
from God. If fear has a tightening grip around you to move forward, know that
God is not sending you fear. Be strong and very courageous. Never think it is
over, God is in the business of do-overs.
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