you know that attitudes are important to God?
Attitudes are usually formed through our interactions
with others and our reactions to our circumstances. An attitude is a pattern of
thinking formed over a long period of time. God holds each one of us
responsible for our attitudes, not what others did to us. You always have a
choice in how you react to what happens in your life. If your family or friends
or negative, you do not have to react to their negativity. If someone does
something upsetting, you can chose to remain calm and in control. A bad attitude about life and others can
lead to complaining, murmuring, fault-finding, thanklessness, criticism,
joylessness, lack of peace, and discontentment.
change your attitude you have to change your beliefs. The main cause of a bad
attitude is wrong beliefs about life.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the
lest of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
~Victor Frankl, Holocaust survivor
do I need to change my attitude?
1. People
with a positive attitude tend to enjoy life more and are generally happier.
2. Negative
attitudes affects others. No one wants to be around a negative person. Negative
attitudes can ruin relationships.
3. Negative
attitudes produces negative circumstances. If we think negatively about a
situation or person, eventually we will give power to those thoughts.
4. Maintaining
a negative attitude will drain you of physical energy. Becoming angry, upset,
or frustrated can release negative emotions that can cause tiredness and a weak
immune system. Chronic stress from negative attitudes disrupts the body’s
hormone balance and depletes the brain chemicals responsible for feel-good
5. A
positive attitude helps you to be an overcomer when the adversities of life
6. Having
a poor attitude will cause you to look at life from the perspective of “the
glass half empty.” This can cause you to point out the negatives in situations
instead of trying to find the positives.
7. A
person with a negative attitude blames others for their difficulties, and they
wallow in self-pity. A victim mentality will develop in people if they do not
take responsibility for their own lives.
8. A
positive attitude is infectious, but a negative attitude can be contagious. Be careful
who you are spending your time with. Too much time with a pessimistic person
can affect your outlook on life. Being around encouraging and uplifting people
with good attitudes brings a boost to your outlook in life.
9. A
positive attitude will reduce negative emotions, and help you recover from
negative experiences quicker like trauma and loss.
your attitude takes time!
Don’t give up the first day or weeks if you are trying
to change your attitude. A new habit can take anywhere from 30-60 days to form,
and sometimes even longer.
get you started on having a better attitude:
1. Focus
on your strengths more than your weaknesses.
2. Daily
list or say verbally at least five things that you are thankful for-cultivate a
heart of gratitude.
3. Find
the positives in negative or difficult circumstances-reframe your thoughts such
as, “winter is not my favorite season, but I can look forward to cozy nights at
home with the fireplace going.”
4. Create
a morning ritual that is infuses a positive outlook such as reciting your favorite
scripture or exercising to release feel-good endorphins.
5. Monitor
what you watch on TV, computer, or what you read-garbage in garbage out.
6. Stop
negative thought immediately. Negative thoughts will come and in the beginning
of change you may even have an increase in negative thoughts. Replace those
negative thought immediately with the truth in God’s Word.
7. To
maintain a positive attitude take time to recharge your batteries and do things
that you enjoy.
can CHOOSE your attitude! When something happens in your life
that is unpleasant, you can choose whether it’s a positive or negative
is not what happens to us in life, but how we react to what happens to us that
will determine our attitude.
a good attitude starts first with our thoughts.
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is anything
worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
areas from your life can you identify with having a good attitude or a negative
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