I always believed peace would come to me when my
circumstances became better. I was certain when my prodigal child came to his
senses, I would truly be at peace, or when those in my family stopped living
for the world, then I could have peace. I thought I would have peace when my
disruptive, non-believing neighbors would just move.
I am realizing is that none of these circumstances have changed as of yet,
maybe I needed to change then.
I needed a change in the way I viewed peace. I was
waiting until my situations changed so I could eventually be at peace. Sometimes I believed I would not achieve
peace until I was in heaven.
This is what I have learned about true
1. True
peace is not found with people, when your problems cease or when your circumstance
align themselves perfectly so that you can have peace.
2. True
peace is not found in a bottle, a pill, or escapism through binge watching TV
or eating.
3. True
peace is not when everyone in your life does what you would like them to do, because
they may not.
4. True
peace is not when you do everything perfectly, because you won’t.
does true peace come from? The only source, Jesus Christ. The
problem for many, including myself is believing Jesus’ peace is like the worlds.
You cannot have the kind of peace that Jesus Christ
offers until you accept Jesus as your Savior, until then you will have to rely
on cheap substitutes to get your peace.
Jesus gives peace right in the middle of trouble.
Biblical peace does not focus on the absence of trouble, and is unrelated to
circumstances. When you have this kind of peace you are not touched by what
happens on the outside. Yes, when tragedy and trials hit, you will still feel
pain but Jesus can give you a peace that surpasses all human understanding, in other
words you would not be able to obtain this kind of peace on your own.
peace of God requires us to make a decision to trust Him in all of our
circumstances, especially our most difficult and trying circumstances.
Peace certainly won’t come when your most difficult
situations cease, for surely another trial will come behind it, it’s learning
to have peace in the midst of each and every circumstance of life. This is not
being negative, but the reality of living in a fallen world. Jesus said that we would have trials and tribulations in
this world.
I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
John 14:27
the peace of God rule in your hearts.
Colossians 3:15
the peace of God which passes all
understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:7
Shalom means the Lord
of peace.
Prince of Peace-Isaiah 9:6
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