With the recent arrival of the Spring season the dead
and lifeless trees, flowers and bushes are bursting forth with life again. My
yard is alive with new growth, vibrant colors, and spectacular displays of God’s
beauty. However, in the Winter season my yard is dull, barren and virtually
lifeless. I always look forward to Spring each year after the cold, barren, and
at times unbearable winters we can get.
There are parallels between the physical seasons and
the spiritual seasons in our lives. Each season in our lives can be a time of reflection,
learning, waiting, pruning, preparing, and planning.
Over the last several years of my life it has seemed
as if I were in a long, barren “winter season,” there was not a lot of growth, and
many of my circumstances were dark and difficult to navigate through. It was a
dark and “lifeless” season, but I kept pruning areas in my life that God was
showing me needed to be cut off, I kept waiting and expecting the “spring”
season would come at any time, and I kept learning the ways of God. I did a lot
of preparation during my winter season, with little or no indication things would
get any better; I was learning to trust God by walking by faith not by sight.
Many things appeared dormant or barren in my life-not able to come to life
again. As I am writing this article, I am reminded that we are in the Spring
season, there are baby birds chirping away and new blooms are sprouting on my
jasmine tree. How beautiful a reminder as we are celebrating holy week. How it
must have appeared that Friday when Jesus was crucified and buried, with no
signs of life-dark, dead, and lifeless. But, on that glorious third day, Jesus
Christ was resurrected from the grave. Death, the grave and hell lost its powers
that day.
I want all of us to reflect on this season we are in,
it’s not about Easter bunnies, Easter egg hunts, or even family gatherings but
about the Resurrected King that triumphed over death bringing eternal life to
us all through the shedding of His blood.
Whatever “season” you are in in your life, know that
Christ specializes in the impossible and bringing dead things back to life. He
is the Great I Am and has conquered death and the grave, and He lives. Whatever
you are experiencing in your time of life is nothing compared to what God has
prepared for those who call on Him by name and believe He is the Son of God.
May the Lord shine His goodness, His grace, and His
overpowering love to you this holy week. For He has risen and death has lost its
sting. Death does not have the final say.
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