Dictionary defines surrender as: to give oneself up into the power of another;
to yield. Yield can be defined as: to give up possession of on claim or demand.
So many
people truly never fully surrender their lives to Christ. They hold on to their
desires, their expectations, and their control. Control is a lot harder to give up if you live in fear and
circumstances are too be controlled and heavily monitored. We may even try and control the outcomes of
certain events because allowing God to have His way maybe too vulnerable or
even scary for us. We want certainty at all costs, since we live in an unpredictable
world and our lives may have been a series of things we could not mange or
Fully surrender to Christ also means
that Christ is trusted even if we can’t figure out the outcomes or even see the
solution to our problems.
You may have
control issues if you have been hurt or have endured series of trials that have
damaged your soul. Life may seem so unpredictable to you and downright scary at
times. You fear the worst case scenarios because in your eyes you have seen and
experienced devastating circumstances in your life and the life’s of those you
Are you going
God’s way and letting go of control and surrendering or you going your own way?
freaks have a hard time fully surrendering and letting go. Fear is usually the
culprit and the unknowns and uncertainties of life are too unbearable. We believe,
as control freaks, that we can at least somewhat, manage and control our lives
and everyone else’s. We believe that total surrender may involve vulnerability
and trust at all costs and those are too risky for us.
There are
many reasons people have trouble with fully surrendering their lives to Christ.
Sometimes it is difficult to trust what you can’t see, or you feel like if you
don’t take over every aspect of your life and everyone else’s that the
consequences of not controlling and intervening will be severe. Control freaks
play the “what if” game all too often. An example would be, “What if I don’t
step in to help my sister again, what will happen, will God step in?” Most of
the time, control freaks would say to that question, “I am not sure what God
will do if He steps in or chooses not to step in, and I might not can handle
His ways so I will step in and take control.” In a way we play God and we
believe our outcomes and ways are better and are more sufficient to meeting our
own needs and the needs of others.
We may not
like the way our life is turning out or has turned out, so we try and get
certain things to line-up the way we would want them too. We are not truly
satisfied with what God is doing, so we take over. We take over our families,
and sometimes friendships and complete strangers at times. All because we want
our certain outcome to happen.
What would happen if we truly let go
and surrendered? What
if we could completely trust God that if He chooses not to give us what we
believe we want or if He chooses to handle our families the way He sees fit. Is it possible we are
getting in the way of our own freedom and getting in the way of our families deliverance?
We don’t want our family and friends to go through consequences and pain so we
step in and rescue them, but what if God wants them surrendered to Him so that
He can work in their lives. Perhaps you
should get to the roots of why you keep stepping in to help others, or even the
reasons you cannot fully surrender your life. Maybe you had a blueprint for
your life and it is not turning out like your blueprint that you had in your
mind. Perhaps you are even fighting against God’s plans for you because you
will not let go.
Are you ready to surrender your life,
your family? Are you ready to trust God’s ways are better than your ways? Are
you ready to stop living in fear of the “what if’s?”
Surrender starts when you can
truly say,” Not my will be done but your will Lord.”
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