are bombarded daily with thoughts that come into our minds, but how can we know
when it is God speaking to us?
of God’s voice and the enemy’s voice:
speaks in a still, small voice.
The enemy speaks loudly, intrusively,
and obsessively.
voice is heard through our spirit or deep within us.
The enemy’s voice is heard through
our soul or our mind, will, emotions, and intellect.
leads gently.
The enemy leads with urgency and
voice brings peace.
The enemy’s voice brings confusion,
anxiousness, and worry.
directs us to repentance that brings restoration and hope.
The enemy speaks condemnation and
hopelessness over our sin and weakness.
gives clear direction.
The enemy speaks a problem to us but
does not show how to solve or rectify the problem.
speaks life to us and things that bring life.
The enemy speaks destruction,
discouragement, despair, defeat, and death.
God speaks to us can be verified in scripture.
The enemy speaks half-truths and lies
that cannot be supported by God’s Word.
God speaks we always see a way out of our problems or circumstances.
When the enemy speaks he brings
pressure and we feel backed into a corner.
God speaks to us we will be encouraged, inspired, and motivated.
When the enemy speaks we feel
burdened, weighed down, and lack creativity.
God speaks to our spirits, deep within us, but when
the enemy speaks we can hear that voice in our minds or our souls. Have you ever had an intrusive thought just
pop up in your mind? Next thing you know you are obsessing over that thought.
That thought originated in your mind or soul, not in your spirit and most
likely if you feed that thought by coming into agreement with it, you will lose
your peace and joy.
When thoughts are put into our minds by the enemy and
they are not submitted to Christ and we mull over them and entertain those thoughts,
we can feel pretty emotionally unbalanced. If the enemy can get us to believe
the thoughts that he sends us, we will eventually begin to act on these
►Thoughts precede emotions (behavior). If the enemy
can get you to think his thoughts, it will not be long before you begin acting
them out.
your mind to take every thought captive and submit them to Christ immediately.
Not every thought that comes into your mind is good or from God. The battlefield is in the mind. You can CHOOSE the thoughts that come into
your mind, but you must know where those thoughts have originated from. It
is almost like you need a filing system in your mind. Here is how it goes:
►Filing system
for your thoughts.
a thought comes into your mind, immediately check it. Does it sound like it is
coming from God? If you are unsure, go back and review the
above checklist for knowing God’s voice. If the thought is from God, keep it in
your mind and then store it in your “filing system,” to bring back later to
encourage you and remind you of what God spoke to you. Keep in mind that God
does discipline us when we need it, BUT you will never feel condemned or that
your sin is just too great for God to forgive. God makes our sins aware to us
and areas that need to be discarded to restore and heal us.
you have a thought that is causing you to worry, stress, fear, doubt, bringing
temptation, condemnation, discouragement, despair, defeat, or any other
negative, death-producing thought; immediately submit it to Christ.
Do not “file” that thought in your mind or store it for later to mull over.
DELETE.DELETE.DELETE. Then REPLACE and mediate upon what God says. Don’t just
have an “empty file system” in your mind, you must not have a passive mind. A passive
mind that does not think good thoughts and thoughts of God is an open area for
the enemy to place his thoughts into your mind.
Think of your thoughts as a filing system that has to
be maintained, with thoughts that you will file and store for later, and
thoughts you will not file and store away for later use. Some thoughts are useful to us, and others must be discarded
Our flesh has thoughts as well. Let’s face it, our
flesh is weak and it wants what it wants. We can hear our flesh speaking
through our minds. All fleshly thoughts must also be brought under submission
to Christ. Why? Because our flesh may not totally sanctified and our flesh can
be weak. The devil does not always make us sin, sometimes our flesh wants what
it wants. There can be an open door to
the enemy’s thoughts and suggestions even more if we are not taking our fleshly thoughts captive. Fleshy
thoughts can be those areas of addiction, sexual immorality, greed, lust, and
speaks life and you will feel hopeful, peaceful, forgiven, more than a
conqueror, loved, valuable, motivated, creative, inspired, encouraged,
uplifted, strong, confident, equipped, empowered, and worthy.
sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27
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