Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

So many of us can get lost in the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, attending parties, and preparing our homes for family that we forget to keep Christ at the center. We can easily lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas, and before long end up stressed and overwhelmed from the barrage of things to get done before December 25th. It is important to slow down, balance your schedule, and reflect on why this day even exists.

Through my own experience with trying to manage visiting all my relatives, buying a gift for everyone, and preparing my home for family visits; I simply got lost in the busyness of it all. I will share with you 10 tips on how to manage your time and keep the focus of Christmas.

1.      Set aside a special time to read with your family the Christmas story in Luke 1:5-56 through 2:1-20.
2.      On Christmas Eve, start a tradition of taking family communion together as a way to remember Christ’s death and resurrection.
3.      Set up a nativity scene in your home or front yard as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. Put up Christ centered decorations and ornaments through your home, and place lights on your Christmas tree to symbolize the “light of the world.”
4.      Play Christ-centered Christmas music as a way to focus on Christ and the miracle of His birth. Secular Christmas music is fun, but too much of it can take the true meaning away from Christmas.
5.      Attend a Christmas service at your church, and worship the Lord for sending His son into the world for us.
6.      Send Christmas cards with a spiritual message. This can be a great way to share the birth of Jesus Christ with others.
7.      Make a birthday cake for Jesus. You can even sing happy birthday to Jesus.
8.      Find ways to give back to others by your time and/or resources. You can even show the love of Christ to your neighbors by baking them homemade treats.
9.      Keep focused on what Christ has done in your life by writing or saying (5) things that you are grateful for daily.
10.  Watch the Nativity Story and choose other Christmas movies that you can watch that incorporates Christian values.

As we enter into this season of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, may you be reminded to include Christ into your family’s festivities. Teach your children and talk to them about why Christmas is celebrated. When I was growing up all I really knew about Christmas was Santa and getting gifts. Santa was the main focus and what I would get for Christmas. I went to Christmas Eve mass with my family, but we never discussed why we did that and the importance of going. It was not until I received Christ as my Savior in my twenties, that I came to realize the meaning of Christmas.

What about you? What Christmas traditions do you have that keep Christ at the center? Share yours with us.

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