What have you been thinking about lately? Are your
thoughts centered on the goodness of God, or the cares and concerns of this
world? It is easy to think about all that is wrong with us, the world, or those
around us. If we are not careful, we can get consumed in our negative thinking.
This type of thinking will almost certainly make us feel discouraged and
possibly even depressed. So, why do we tend to think of our problems more than
focusing on the greatness of God? One theory is that it makes us feel better,
or so we think that it does. In reality, those thoughts that we have that reflect
our difficult circumstances can actually make us feel worse. Keeping our eyes
focused on what is wrong instead of what is right in our lives, is surely a
scheme and trap from the enemy. If the enemy can get you to focus on what he is
showing you, you will live in defeat and not the victory that is yours in Jesus
Christ. You may be saying, “Yeah, but you don’t know my problems.” True, I
don’t, but nothing is too big for Jesus to solve or to handle. Instead of
worrying, fretting, analyzing, or fearing the worst case scenario, how about
instead praising God that He will work all things out for the good of those
that love Him Romans 8:28).
Changing our thinking and perspective to focus on the
power of Jesus instead of our problems, can seem strange at first, especially
if you have had a habit of negativity. Start by acknowledging that your way is
not working, and confess to Jesus that your mind has been a mess and you need
His help to overcome this area in your life. God desires that you live in
peace, this will not come by keeping your eyes on all that is wrong. Even if
everything seems wrong in your life, and there is much difficulty surrounding
you; there is always something to be thankful for. Challenge yourself this week
to reflect on things that you can be thankful for. Don’t let the enemy bog you
down with his lies that there is nothing good in your life. Even if some of
your prayers have gone unanswered, keep believing that God’s ways are better
and His timing is perfect. Settle in your mind that you do not have to have
everything figured out or even perfect to enjoy life. God wants you to start
enjoying life, but that cannot happen until you begin to focus your thoughts on
things above.
If a thought enters your mind that is unwholesome or
not praise worthy, cast it down! Don’t dwell or ponder on negative reports or
thoughts that are not aligned with the Word of God. God is good, the enemy and
his plans are not. God is the author of all that is good, the enemy is the
creator of all that is evil.
Do your thoughts need an overhaul? Do you need to
repent for your thoughts? If a situation arises that is most difficult to you, STOP first=Stop and pray, Trust
that God will intercede for you, Oppose
the enemy at his onset, and Praise
the Lord for the victory that shall come. Remember when a stressful and
difficult situation arises, don’t resort back to taking your eyes off Jesus,
but STOP! This little acronym can
keep your eyes focused on Jesus and cause you to live in peace, joy, and
constant victory. Keeping your eyes on the problem will keep you defeated every
Share with me ways that you keep your eyes focused on
Jesus instead of your problems. I would love to hear from you! Blessings of the
Lord be upon you.
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