For many, you are sensing a change coming, but not
sure exactly what that change is. Some things in your life that has not
produced fruit and life are being cut away now. This can be a bit scary,
removing the comforts in your life, but it is only to make room for what lies
ahead. Some things in your life no longer serve a purpose like they once did.
Be obedient to what God is showing you to let go of. Do not fear the unknown,
and do not try and figure out what will come next. God has many of His people
in a season where He is saying, “Be still before me and not doing before me.”
So many are running from one thing to the next, but missing God along the way.
God’s deepest desire for you now, is to rest in Him and rebuild your
relationship with Him. Nothing else is more important than sitting at the feet
of Jesus. Many have become wearied and worn-out in the last couple of years and
need time to be with the Father to regain strength and new perspectives.
God wants to pour out His special anointing on you,
but this can only be done in His presence and not trying to fix and solve
everyone else’s problems. It is time to rest and be still. No more striving and
figuring out what to do. Simple be with the Father. You may be thinking, “How
can I just rest and be when there are people to help?” But how can you help
with an empty cup? You know if your cup is empty because you are not giving out
of the overflow but giving out of your strength, which leaves you tired and
frustrated. When you operate in the overflow, there is abundance.
So God desires a new beginning for you. He has seen
your struggles and He has seen you trying to minister to others while hurting.
God says I do not desire you to give out of brokenness, but out of an overflow.
This may be frightening to you, to not help, to not serve, but it is not
forever. It is until you and the Father are one again. Somehow your
relationship with Jesus, your first love, has become tainted, and you have
believed that He just cared about how much you served Him. Yes, Jesus does want
us to serve Him, but He also cares so much more about our relationship with
Him. His desire is to see you whole again and on fire for the things of God.
Sin, hardships, and difficult circumstances have entered your life causing you
to be lukewarm with God. You still serve Christ in ministry, but your heart is
far from it. God knows that, and wants to commune with you and bring you back
to your first love, Jesus Christ.
His plans are good for you and your new beginning will
be with Jesus at the center. You will have a renewed trust and faith in God,
and you will be fit for what God has called you to do. So do not worry or fret
of what next, just release anything God shows you, and embrace being with God.
He does not want nor expect anything else from you now. You will know clearly
when He has opened the door you are to walk through, it will not be by force or
by your flesh; but by the flow of the Holy Spirit.
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