Battling any addiction can be difficult, whether it is
an alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, or food addiction.
You may feel trapped, and that there is no hope. You may have even tried to get
free from your addiction numerous times, and failed each time to stay clean. It
is possible with each failed attempt, you are now feeling hopeless.
God wants you to know, not to give up! He can and does
desire to completely remove your addiction. God can remove all desires,
cravings, and psychological aspects of your addiction. You must get honest
though. Have you truly asked God to take away completely your habits? Like most
people who suffer with addiction, they do not want God to “completely” take away
their crutch. You may have fear of the unknown, such as, what will happen if
you fully let-go of your comfort. Is it possible you have replaced God for
another comforter? Is it possible you run to the thing that brings temporary
pleasure, rather than running to God? Getting real, and getting honest are your
first steps to having God deliver you. What are you hiding from? What purpose
does your addiction serve? Where is God, is He first?
You must get serious about how your addiction is
hurting yourself and others. Have you begun to hide your addiction from others?
How do you cope with pain, stress, and trials? Are you coping with life in
unhealthy ways? You have to admit you have a problem first. If you do not
believe you have a problem, then it will be hard to get free from it. Denial
says, “Oh, I can stop anytime I want, or it’s not that bad.” Take an inventory
of how your addiction is hurting you. Write it out, and ask God to reveal to
you ways you have been in denial.
It is equally important that you rid your home and
other places you are often of all your addictions, such as alcohol, wine
glasses, etc. Anything that represents your addiction, you have to get rid of,
and keep your home free of these things. Be careful of the places you go, such
as bars, casinos, and the like places. Avoid people who will encourage your
addiction. You will become like who you hang around with.
Share with a trusted, Godly, mature friend. Have them hold
you accountable and pray with you. Find someone you can trust to share with.
Fill your time with new activities that will promote health and healing, such
as a new hobby, exercising, or something you will enjoy. Most of all, spend
intimate, quiet time alone with God. It is important that you have regular time
with God alone to hear His voice and for God to give you the healing you need.
God will have to go deep with you to heal you. There is a reason you run to your
addiction for solace and comfort. Those “roots” must be uncovered, dealt with,
and healed. God is a great counselor, friend, and comforter.
Begin to surrender your entire life to God, all that
you try to control, all you fears, and get honest before God about your lack of
trust towards Him and others. And when you have gotten completely honest with
God, then you will be ready for His deliverance. When you’re ready, pray
something like this:
Heavenly Father,
I come seeking you today, and ask that you would
forgive me of not trusting you, and taking matters into my own hands. I admit,
I have used_____________, to bring me comfort and to numb my pain. But God I am
ready to be free today. I believe you can deliver me from all that hinders me.
I ask you to remove all desires, cravings, and psychological aspects of my addiction.
I believe you came to set the captives free, and I am a captive to this addiction.
Father, take it permanently from me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the
spirit of addiction off of my life, and that it goes back to the pit of hell
where it came from. Help me God to learn to trust you first, then others. I believe
you can remove this addiction from my life, as I do my part to keep it out of
my life, in your name Jesus I pray.
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