always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will
of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Not always an easy scripture to swallow, especially if
you have gone through long trials and debilitating circumstances. The Apostle
Paul in this scripture was not teaching that we should thank God for everything
that happens to us, but in everything. Evil does not come from God, so we
should not thank Him for it, but when evil strikes, we can still be thankful
for God’s presence and for the good that He will accomplish through the
distress (Romans 8:28).
It is easy to give thanks when a baby is born, when someone
gets married, or when your child graduates college and lands a good job, but
what about when you have a prodigal child, long for a spouse, or have a family member
on drugs? Not as easy to give thanks then. If we are human, than we can admit
that it is more of a challenge to be thankful for our difficult circumstances.
We can grow weary in our circumstances, and begin to grumble and complain about
them. It can be easier to have self-pity in our pain. It feels good to whine
and have others feel sorry for us. We want someone to validate that we have had
it rough.
In my weakness and human frailty, I would rather not
give thanks for my difficulties. I want to “nurse “my wounds, and rehearse them
to anyone who might would sympathize with me. But what if God has a greater
plan than we could imagine? What if God is allowing some of the things in our
lives to shape us, build character, strength, and endurance? Is it possible, to
turn every hard circumstance in our lives around to see the goodness in them?
Hard? Yes, but possible, and even beneficial to your mental, spiritual, and
emotional health. I am not talking about denying your pain and suffering, but
allowing yourself to see the good in each situation. You might be thinking, “I can’t
find any good in my circumstances.” Believe me, I understand, but think a
little harder about your adversities, and how have you changed as a result of
them? Are you stronger, have a closer walk with the Lord? You could be
thinking,” But I did not ask for these circumstances.” True, but God is in
control of your life and all that is in your life. Perhaps, you feel that is
not fair. But we did not create our lives, nor anyone in our lives, so we must
submit to the One who did.
to move past not giving thanks in All your circumstances:
1. Admit
how you really feel to God. Tell Him, write it out, and let it out.
2. Begin
reflecting on the goodness in each difficult situation in your life. Such as, I
have a prodigal son, BUT he came over for Thanksgiving and it was pleasant.
3. Celebrate
every small victory in your life. You don’t have to wait until you gain full
victory in every area.
on what is right and a blessing in your life. CHOOSE to get your mind off of
what is wrong in your life, and reflect and give thanks of what is right in
your life.
5. Express
your gratitude. Write or say aloud DAILY at least 5 things that you are
thankful for. It will keep your mind focused on your blessings instead of your
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