wants to make you a warrior in the battles you face, and make you victorious
over everything that come against you. Jesus wants you to raise or elevate
Jesus Christ over everything that rises up against you. He is your defender,
your protector, your shield, your covering, your refuge, and He is your help in
times of trouble. God does not want you to take matters into your own hands,
and try and figure out how you can win your battles. God will take care of all
that concerns you. Raising the banner of Jesus Christ means not reacting when
the trials come, but instead calling on the assistance of Jesus; and remaining still
to watch for His help to come.
The just
live by faith not by sight. Habakkuk 2:4. We have to believe that God will
triumph over our enemies and the trials of life, even if we cannot see it in
the physical sense. Our faith must arise and we must believe that even though a
situation looks bleak and hopeless, that God will prevail over it. Speak life,
faith, and hope over all your trials and battles that surround you. Believe God
is bigger over every situation that arises in your life to defeat you. It is
not God’s will for you to be defeated in your battles, but instead come out as
a solider in Christ’s army, and to triumph over your adversaries. This can only
be done by placing God over the things that overwhelm and overcome you, saying,
“God, I believe you will work this out for my good because I do love you
(Romans 8:28), I don’t know how, but I know you will cause good to come from
this suffering.” When struggles come, watch what you are speaking out, and
instead begin praising God for His protection, deliverance, help, and
protection. Do not speak out defeat or what you see, but praise God for His
shelter, defense, and shield.
You are
my help and my deliver; Do not delay, O my God, Psalm 41:17
The Lord Jesus Christ
is Jehovah Nissi- THE LORD OUR BANNER
The scriptures teaches us that as God’s people we are to RAISE HIGH THE LORD JESUS AS OUR BANNER for all men to see! We do
this by the words we speak and the life we live.
In Exodus 17, after a battle God instructs Moses to record
the battle and to build an altar. Moses called it “THE LORD IS MY BANNER.”
Moses wanted Israel to know that is was not by his power, his own arms that
they fell into victory, but it was God who raised THE BANNER OF PROTECTION,
PRESENCE AND AID that brought victory.
May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble;
May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
May He send you help from the sanctuary,
And strengthen you out of Zion;
May He remember ALL your offerings,
And accept your burnt sacrifice.
May He grant you according to YOUR HEART”S DESIRE,
We will rejoice in your salvation,
And in the name of our God WE WILL SET UP OUR BANNERS! May the Lord FULFILL ALL YOUR
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