How many times I have caught myself saying, “I will
be happy when…” I have waited years for answered prayers and longings of my
heart to be fulfilled. Can anyone relate? What happens to some is during the
“wait” we become discontented and begin to grumble and complain about our
circumstances. Is it possible to have contentment right in the middle of your
trials and difficult circumstances? I say, “Yes, it is possible but not easy to
overcome, but yes possible.”
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Be joyful and content today! |
In my book, “Wilderness Mentality, Stop Your
Stinkin’ Thinkin’,” I devote an entire chapter on the art of learning
contentment. I will share with you some excerpts from chapter 3 of my book.
The definition of
contentment is to be calm, relaxed, and free of worry? Does that define you? If
not, why? Ask the Lord to show you why you are discontented.
you are not content with your lot in life you will complain. I have learned
(the hard way), that contentment is accepting God’s control over ALL of my
circumstances. Most of us are content when circumstances are going well, but
God wants us to have contentment in all things and in all seasons in our lives.
Wait for the Lord in
confident expectation. Be joyful today, not when your circumstances are
perfect. Enjoy your life now. God molds, teaches, and trains us through our
circumstances. Surrender all to God and release control to our Savior. Stop
dwelling, pondering, wishing, and wondering when, why, and where. Stop being
controlled by your emotions and circumstances. Do not wish to be anybody else
or have what someone else does. You really do not know what other people go
through, that perfect family and perfect spouse you see; may not be all that
perfect. Some people are better at hiding and covering up their problems.
Stop trying to force
things to happen on your own time. It’s about timing, and God’s timing is
perfect. Do not compare your situations to others. God has a unique plan for
each of us individually.
Contentment means
wanting nothing more than what God has given you. It is not saying you can
never have desires, but if those desires become idols (idols are anything we
place above God), then you are risking losing contentment.
I know all too well
about the “wilderness mentality.” For so long, I was truly not content with my
life (and now it’s a daily, conscience choice to be content). I had a lot of
pain and heartache, and I just wanted to slip into someone else’s life. I soon
realized that everyone has problems.
Instead of talking
about how big your problems are, start thanking and praising God instead. It
will confuse the enemy when you praise instead of complain. Stop being a
victim, there are many people who go through pain and losses as well. Change
your perspective about your life, is it really that bad? Is there anything that
you have been blessed with?
Take it one day at a
time, and refrain from magnifying everything by saying, “My life will always be
this way.” The enemy will always try and keep you focused on what you don’t
have, he will even show you! But don’t take that bait! REFOCUS on what you do
have and what is right in your life.
And yes, everything I
write here to you, I had to apply in my own life. I write from my personal
experiences with contentment. It has been a journey, but I pray you will take
from my experiences and learn something that took me a long time to get.
Scriptures to meditate on for contentment, ponder
and reflect over these, say them out loud:
that I speak in regard to need, for I LEARNED IN WHATEVER STATE I AM, to be
CONTENT. I know how to be abased, and I know how to be abound. Everywhere and
in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound
and to suffer need. Philippians 4:11-12
your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the
godly to slip and fall. Psalm 55:22
Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the
world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we
will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and
a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires plunge men into ruin and
destruction. 1 Timothy 6:6-10
For further reading and to order your copy of
“Wilderness Mentality, Stop Your Stinkin’ Thinkin’,” Go to
Thank you and may the Lord God speak to you through
this book, and let me know how He does!
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