Monday, May 21, 2018

Counselor's Corner: What to Do if You Are Stuck in a Rut?

I thrive on routine and structure, but sometimes I find myself getting stuck in a rut doing the same things over and over again. Once you get stuck in a rut, it can be difficult to change because we are creatures of habit. If you are type-A like I am, any change from the “schedule” can be disruptive. When we live doing the same thing week after week, life becomes stale and boring. Sometimes, we need to change things up a bit to get the zest back in life. Relax, type-A’s I know just the thought of too much change can cause hysteria, but a few minor changes you can manage.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”

-Albert Einstein

There are times we can get stuck in a rut because we fear change. We don’t want to go back but we don’t want to go forward either, so we keep doing the same old things hoping for something different. Ruts are familiar and predictable. You may not like what you are getting, but at least you know what you are getting. Understand your comfort zones and what keeps you in them. Comfort zones can keep you stuck in a rut.

If you feel you are stuck in a rut, start making small changes in your daily schedule such as taking a different route to work or eat dinner at a different time. Don’t try and make huge changes in your daily schedule, too much change at once can be overwhelming. Make achievable goals for getting out of a rut, many times people stay in aa rut because they are overwhelmed by the changes they need to make to get out.

What small change can you make today to get you out of your rut?

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