Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Counselor's Corner: When You Need a Time-Out

Yesterday afternoon after I finished my work, I took a time-out from everything-emails, texts, calls, social media and I rested. For the last couple of days, I kept going despite not feeling well physically, and being emotionally and spiritually drained. My sleep had also been restless the past few nights, and I was waking up groggy, tired and irritable.

The first part of my week I was battling intrusive, demonic thoughts and I could not get a handle on those thoughts because of the sheer exhaustion I was having. I know enough to understand allowing evil thoughts to run through my mind unchecked will bring me to dark places I never want to go.

In my quiet time with God yesterday, I asked if He would increase my time and energy so that I could complete my work and still have time to rest that afternoon. I knew I had a full day ahead if I completed all that was on my priority list, but I believe God heard my anguish that I needed relief. I not only completed my work in record time, but was able to take the afternoon to rest.

Initially I felt guilty about taking a time-out, I played over in my head, “I should be, could be or need to be doing this or that.” I sensed a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit that He had given me this time to take to replenish my body, mind and spirit.

While I rested, I listened and watched programs that fed and nurtured my spirit. I took a nap, and unplugged from anything that could have distracted me from resting.

I realized as I was feeling weak physically, mentally and spiritually the enemy was trying to use this as an opportune time to gain an entry way into my life. When I am tired and don’t feel well, I can get irritable, and frustrated easily. I also have a harder time controlling my thoughts.

When I woke-up this morning I felt rested, had more energy, felt physically better and was ready to get back into the “fight.” I was so worn-out before taking this time of rest that I was “hearing static” or confusing thoughts instead of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, in Christ, these times we live in are most difficult. The warfare is real and the battles we face can be intense and draining. Don’t let the enemy take you out because you are too tired and overwhelmed, ask God to help you carve in some time to rest. Use that time wisely, don’t spend it watching or listening to things that will encourage you to live a compromising lifestyle. During your time of rest, truly rest, give yourself permission to detach from all your electronic devices.


  1. You are absolutely right... we live in an intense battle.
    As soon as a "bad" thought enters, I try to remember to bring my mind into captivity to Christ Jesus.
    I tell myself out loud...WEARE NOT ENTERTAINING THAT THOUGHT.
    It's taken years of practice, but mostly victory comes quickly these days...
    I also reach out to a praying friend when the battle is most fierce as even Moses needed Aaron and Hur to hold his arms up to the Lord when he was battle-weary.
    Thanks for posting about these difficult times we endure. It helps to know it doens't just happen to us, but to us all.

    1. I agree with taking years of practice to take those thoughts captive. It does get easier with time, but your right that sometimes we need someone to come alongside of us and pray because the warfare is most intense. That's a great tip to tell yourself out loud, " WE ARE NOT ENTERTAINING THAT THOUGT! I AM GOING TO PRATICE THAT, THANK YOU!


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