Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Counselor's Corner: Be Intentional About Focusing on What is Good, Lovely and Praiseworthy

Perhaps you’re not like me and don’t have any trouble with negative thoughts, I however, struggle more often than I would like to with “stinkin’ thinkin.” Many times, I wake-up to a battle going on in mind, a battle of me thinking thoughts of defeat and discouragement. We all know the battlefield is in our minds, and that satan can make suggestions to us that seem ever-so real. We take the bait, and before long we are agreeing with the lies of our adversary. I have to get up intentionally focused on setting my first hour I awaken with the Lord, if I don’t, I am prone to having thoughts of anxiety, fear, and discouragement. There are those times that no matter how intentional I am my thoughts are dark and I can’t seem to turn those thoughts around. At those times I must step back and evaluate are there any “roots” to my thinking, and have I been spending time in God’s presence.

Negative thoughts can consume our daily lives, and eventually cause harm to us physically, mentally and spiritually. We must learn to train our minds by disciplining our thoughts.

Many of our issues can be stemmed from our thoughts. Thoughts precede behavior. If you feel depressed, check your line of thinking first. Of course, not all depression is caused by your thinking, but even if there is an imbalance in the brain you will still need to control your thoughts in addition to counseling and/or medication.

Push past how you feel and be intentional about focusing on what is good, what is lovely and what is praiseworthy. You very likely won’t feel like thinking good thoughts all the time, but do it anyways and you eventually will feel like it.

Negative thinking often stems from hurt, pain, disappointments, unfulfilled dreams, anger, and hope deferred. Get to the issues of what is causing your negative thinking. Write it out, talk it out and pray about what is causing you to see life through a damaged filter. Daily practice gratitude by writing or saying aloud at least (5) things that you are thankful for. Gratitude will decrease negative thinking.

When a thought comes that is negative, ask yourself is this lovely, praiseworthy or good? If not, replace that thought with what God would say. You’re not denying difficulties in life, but choosing not to focus solely on the wrong. An example would be, “It’s raining again, my outdoor plans are ruined but my flowers and grass are being watered.”

►For additional information on how you can discipline your mind, check out my latest book release, Disciplining your mind, 30 days to a better you.”

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