Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Counselor's Corner: Dealing with Stress in a Healthy Way

Between 75-90% of all doctor’s visits are related to stress. Your body will let you know if you are experiencing stress, there will be physical symptoms. Not all people deal with stress the same way. Our bodies are designed to handle stress in small doses, but we are not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress.

Stress can affect people physically, mentally/emotionally and spiritually. Stress is the body’s reaction to harmful situations-whether real or perceived. When you feel threatened in any way, a chemical reaction occurs in your body that allows you to act in a way to prevent injury. This reaction is known as “flight or fight,” or the stress response.

Signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing stress:

1.      Restless sleep or insomnia.

2.      Fatigue or tiredness.

3.      Headaches.

4.      Back pain, upper and lower back pain.

5.      Neck pain.

6.      Dizziness.

7.      Upset stomach, nausea and/or stomach pains.

8.      Labored breathing, heart rate and blood pressure increase.

9.      Chest pain and/or feeling tightness in chest.

10.  Hormonal imbalance, skipped monthly cycle and/or increase in PMS symptoms.

11.  Feel agitated, irritable, frustrated and/or angry.

12.  General malaise or just don’t feel well.

13.  Difficulty concentrating.

14.  Decrease in arousal, desire and intimacy.

15.  Feel overwhelmed.

16.  May cry more easily or not at all.

17.  Difficulty enjoying life.

18.  Feel anxious, tense, nervous or on edge.

19.  Difficulty getting a handle on your emotions.

20.  Decreased energy.

21.  Appetite changes, and/or weight gain or loss. Increase in abdominal fat.

22.  Feel bad about yourself, worthless and/or depressed.

23.  Cold or sweaty hands and feet.

24.  Clenched jaw and grinding your teeth.

25.  Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing.

26.  Constant worrying, can’t turn your mind off.

27.  Forgetfulness and disorganized.

28.  Feel pessimistic and can only see the negative side.

29.  Increase use of alcohol and/or drugs.

30.  Skin and hair problems like acne or hair loss.

The first step in controlling stress is to know the symptoms of stress.

Practical steps to deal with stress in a healthy way:

1.      Start exercising, walking, running or whatever gets you going.

2.      Do something that you enjoy every day or at least weekly.

3.      Take warm baths with Epson salts to relax tense muscles.

4.      Drink green tea, Chamomile tea or kava kava tea to relax your mind.

5.      Slow down and breath, do what you can do but don’t give out what you don’t have.

6.      Write and/or talk about what has got you feeling stressed.

7.      Don’t overcommit yourself especially when you feel physically/mentally worn-out. Learn to say, “No.”

8.      Try deep breathing to relax. Slowly take a deep breath in and exhale slowly, repeat 3x.

9.      Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and avoid sugar, high amounts of caffeine, fatty/fried foods, carbs and processed foods.

10.  Connect with those who don’t make you feel stressed, get a healthy support system.

11.  Be gentle and go easy on yourself. Experiencing stressful and especially chronically stressful situations can be most challenging. Don’t beat yourself up if you need extra rest, or down time.

12.  Eliminate your triggers as much as possible. Figure out what is the biggest cause of your stress and see if you can eliminate or reduce them.

13.  Use aromatherapy to relieve tension and provide stress relief such as lavender, chamomile, and frankincense.

14.  Try natural herbs such as kava kava, lemon balm, chamomile, ashwagandha or lavender to reduce stress and anxiety. (Please talk to a health care provider before using any herbs or supplements).

15.  Listen to soothing music such as classical, or nature sounds.

16.  Spend time with your pet. Having a pet may help relieve stress by giving you purpose and keeping you active.

17.  Set limits and cut back on what is not essential.

18.  Keep your challenges in perspective. Difficulties have a way of working themselves out. Focus on the opportunities and eliminate negative thoughts.

19.  Take a day off or a half a day and relax.

20.  Pray, give thanks, and meditate on God’s Word.

Everyone deals with stress and if you are a Christian you are not immune to stress. How you deal with stress depends in large on who you are. For some, emotional stress causes physical illness and some shut down mentally and emotionally. Know what is in your control to change and what is not in your control to change, and then surrender what you cannot change to God.

Let’s Discuss:

What will you begin to use to help reduce stress in a healthy way?

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