Monday, January 7, 2019

Counselor's Corner: How Does God Want Me to Enjoy Life?

Far too many people struggle with enjoying their lives. You may be one of those people who does not know how God would like you to enjoy life. I know I have struggled enjoying life and how God wants me to enjoy life, but I am learning and I hope you will too.

God does want us to enjoy life! He does not want us to be discouraged, defeated, depressed and lacking. Oftentimes, our circumstances cause us to lose our zest for life, and we become consumed by how large our problems appear. There are other times we exhaust ourselves copying what other people are doing, whether it is serving in the church or trying to “keep up with the Joneses.” We all go through challenging seasons that can zap our enjoyment of life, but we should not remain in this continual state. Depression whether medical or spiritual can cause you to not enjoy life, but with proper care such as with prayer, dietary changes, exercise, and/or supplements to treat the causes of depression, you should begin to enjoy life once again.

I went through a long season of extreme heartbreaking circumstances, during this time I forgot how to enjoy life. I did not laugh or smile very much during this season. I did not believe there was anything to laugh or smile about. Pain is tough and can change how you view life. I became very serious and “on-guard,” to what was going on around me, just in case there was more “danger.” How can one enjoy life when you looking around the corner for the “next?” You can’t!

You may get judged and criticized by others for not being what they need you to be. People may want you to go and do as before, and when you are not able to, some will judge you unfailrly. A word of caution not to judge why people may not do the things they used to do, pray for them and encourage them. We never truly know what others go through. Do what you can do, but do not feel guilty for needing to pull back and take care of yourself. When the time is right, God will pull back the “doors” that need to be opened in your life.

How does God want me to enjoy life?

·         In the simple things in life-a beautiful garden, birds singing or taking a walk-in nature.

·         Take time every day to unwind and relax. You don’t always have to going and doing!

·         Be still in the presence of the Lord and bask in His presence.

·         Slow down and stop being in a hurry.

·         Enjoy your meals and savor each bite.

·         Have at least one Sabbath day a week and take a nap!

·         Laugh often through comedies or being around people who make you laugh.

·         Stop being so serious about everything-lighten up!

·         Sing and dance around your house. David in the Bible danced before the Lord.

·         Be silly at times (not immature). You can still color and blow bubbles.

·         If you are married, enjoy your spouse and take pleasure in each other.

·         Drink a cup of tea on your porch.

·         Have lunch or coffee with a friend who is supportive and encouraging.

·         Treat yourself to something that you would really enjoy.

·         Be creative-paint, draw, or build something.

·         Be a blessing to someone else.

Reflect: What do you believe God would like you to start doing to enjoy your life?

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