Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Counselor's Corner: Who Are the Greatest Influencers in Your Life?

Look around at the top five people that you hang around, and in the next year very likely that is who you will become.

 If you are hanging out with people continually who are not motivated, have no goals, make excuses, blame others for their problems or who have excessive habits like spending money or drinking alcohol; their lifestyle can eventually “rub-off” on you. If you are married and hanging out with divorced people or those that live a sexually immoral lifestyle, there is a very good chance you could be negatively affected by your relationship with them. Of course, you can hang out with divorcees who are actively desiring to make their lives in accordance with God. If you are a Christian, and desire to be obedient to the Word of God, hanging out excessively with non-believers or Christians that mix their faith with the things of the world (compromise) can lead you to doubt your faith or perhaps get you to eventually compromise with the things of the world. Yes, Jesus ate with sinners and He even had compassion for those caught in sin, but He did not excessively spend time with those who desired a sinful lifestyle. Jesus had a mission to the sinner, share the Gospel, and share how to be a disciple for His Kingdom. Jesus spent a large portion of His time with His disciples, the ones who were like-minded as He.

Should you never hang out with those who are not the best influence for you, or who live in compromise with the world? No, but they should not be people who you regularly are around. The enemy is crafty and cunning, and just because you believe there is no harm in hanging out frequently with someone who does not have the same morals and beliefs as you do, overtime, the enemy will wear you down with compromise. If you are in a relationship with a non-believer or someone who is not an influence on you, but you are an influence on them (meaning you are seeing real and tangible changes taking place in their life), then continue as God has you to be an example. You will know if the people you hang out with are not influenced by you by their actions and behavior, if they continue to live for the things of the world. You can still be in people’s lives that live their lives contrary to yours, and you most certainly can still love them, but do not have these types of people only in your life. Establishing clear boundaries will be imperative if you choose to hang out with those who live differently from your set of beliefs. Setting boundaries will be especially important in dealing with family members who are non-believers are who compromise with sin.

Be around those who you want to be like in five years. If you do not have those kinds of people in your life, ask God to send you those Divine connections. Who you spend time with influences the person you eventually become.

Who you are with can elevate you as much as it can bring you down.

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” Proverbs 12:26

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

When you develop close relationships with those who reject God, you risk being influenced in a negative way.

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