Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hormonal Imbalances-30 Day Challenge to Treating Horomonal Balance Naturally

Hormonal Imbalances-30 Day Challenge to Treating Hormonal Balance Naturally

In this article we will look at symptoms of hormonal imbalance and the topics I will cover each week.

Once I hit 40 a couple of years ago, I noticed that my hormones were becoming increasingly out of balance. I have always preferred naturally alternatives to treating ailments rather than our conventional western ways of pharmaceutical medications. Hormonal imbalances are often treated with hormonal replacement therapy, anti-conceptive pills, or other synthetic hormones. These treatments do not solve the underlying problem. A lot of symptoms can be treated naturally through diet and lifestyle changes.
Learn to balance hormones naturally. Want to know more? Stay tuned each week! 

Hormonal imbalances for women can occur for several reasons such as before menopause (ageing), chronic stress, toxins, synthetic xenoestrogens (pesticides, plastics, processed food and preservatives in cosmetics), high body fat, and poor eating habits.

Physical and mental stress disrupts your hormones. Chronic stress is so powerful that it can even be the ONLY source of hormonal imbalance. Once your body gets into a state of chronic stress, your body begins to use up your progesterone and transforms it into cortisol, thus having high levels of cortisol. Finding the “root” cause(s) of your hormonal imbalance will be key to unlocking your health. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, internal emotions have a direct impact on a person’s health and addressing emotional imbalances, external factors and lifestyle choices can help to prevent health conditions associated with hormonal imbalances. A major component of balancing your hormones naturally is addressing any emotional imbalances. Your hormones and emotions are connected, so working to balance one can impact the other.

Hormones act as messengers between body systems regulating digestion, metabolism, respiration, sleep, stress, growth, movement, mood and reproduction. Hormones tell your body when you are hungry, sleepy and stressed. We have many different hormones, some you may be familiar with such as progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, and some you may not be familiar with such as insulin, growth hormone, leptin and cortisol.

*I would like to add before you begin this journey with me or if you are even considering taking natural approaches to hormonal balance, I in no way am advising anything medical or telling you not to go the route of western medicine/treatments. The decision to go the alternative road will consist of much prayer and of course your willingness to follow through on the natural regimens. It is a faith journey for me and one I am willing to take. I have assessed the pros and risks and you will need to as well. I do understand that some women have to go the route of hormonal replacement therapy, hysterectomy and/or psychiatric medications to treat hormonal balance. I am not willing at this point to subject myself to these treatments and have begun the research into balancing hormones naturally.

I strongly advice getting lab work done to test your hormones, you can do this through a health practitioner who specializes in alternative treatments. However, from what I have learned from taking natural supplements alone will not correct hormonal imbalance, you will need a holistic treatment plan.

Each week I will posts up to (3) articles on various ways to treat hormonal balances naturally using a holistically treatment plan. I will also post a couple of YouTube videos in this 30-day challenge.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

·         Fatigue

·         Mood swings

·         Irritability

·         Trouble concentrating

·         Hair loss or thinning

·         Weight gain

·         Hot flashes/sweats

·         Low or no libido

·         Difficulty falling or staying asleep

·         Brian fog

·         Depression

·         Anxiety

·         Headaches and/or migraines

·         Infertility/miscarriage

·         Vaginal dryness

·         Heart palpitations

·         Irregular menstrual cycles

Topics that I plan on covering each week on treating hormonal imbalance naturally:

·         Week 1 Topics: Diet. What should you be eating and not eating.

·         Week 2 Topics: Stress. How stress affects hormonal imbalance, and how to manage stress (including exercise, music and deep breathing).

·         Week 3: Eliminating toxins. What could you be using such as plastics or certain cosmetics that are contributing to your hormonal imbalance.

·         Week 4: Natural supplements for treating hormonal imbalances. What are the supplements, herbs, and are there “natural” hormones to balance hormones.

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