Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Where Has Your Focus Been Lately?

When we are taking pictures and are adjusting the camera lense, at first what is seen in the camera lense may be blurry until we can adjust the lense to come into focus. Just like the camera lense, we too can lose our focus and everything around us becomes blurry.

A definition of focus is the center of interest or activity. What has been your focus lately? Has it been Jesus or everything else? The plan of the enemy is to keep us distracted so we lose our focus on Christ.

Ways we lose our focus:
1.      Take our eyes off Jesus and onto our problems and circumstances.
2.      Agreeing with what the enemy shows or tells us.
3.      Getting overwhelmed by someone else’s problems or issues.
4.      Trying to follow the crowd and what everyone else is doing.
5.      Carrying burdens that are way too heavy for us to carry.
6.      Comparing ourselves to others.
7.      Pleasing man instead of God.
8.      Being too busy-with work, with church, or other activities.

A little acronym to help you remember to FOCUS:
Filter out all distractions.
Obtain victory through taking every thought captive.
Connect to God daily.
Utilize your time better; instead of worrying-pray.
Surrender all your fears, anxieties, and worries to Jesus.
When we lose our focus, we lose our perspective.

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…Hebrews 12:2

The Christian life involves hard work; it requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God. To live effectively as Christians, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. We will stumble if we look away from Him and stare at our circumstances. It takes discipline to focus on Jesus and not the turmoil around us. Focusing on our troubles will only divert you away from Jesus.

As Jesus becomes the center of our lives, worry, fear and depression will dissipate and will be replaced with joy, peace, and confidence.  

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