Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Am I Serving Christ Enough?

“Am I serving Christ enough?” I have heard that question numerous times. Many Christians are plagued by guilt that they are not “doing enough,” and are crushing under the weights of service and expectation in the church. If you have been in ministry long enough, you may understand that there can be times that it can feel like a chore or burdensome. Stand therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke a slavery. Galatians 5:1. It is wrong to put a burden of law keeping on Christians. At times, Christians can be made to feel that they should be doing this or that.

Many people nowadays are just overloaded with responsibility, and to add just one more thing to their life can be stressful. Christians can be some of the busiest people. There can be a “busyness” in doing and not “being.” Serving Christ should happen, however, service to Christ can look different for different people. Some people serve within the “church walls,” others serve at home, with family, and in their ordinary, everyday life. Which way is right? Neither, God has given each one of us unique gifts. Do not allow yourself to compare how you serve with what you see other’s doing.

There are a few reasons that Christians serve, some are good reasons, but some can lead to burn-out quickly. Oftentimes, service to Christ can become warped. For some, there is a belief there is a “catch” in obtaining God’s love and His salvation. Hence, “good works” is birthed from this misconception. What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works...Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead. James 2:14&17. We cannot earn our salvation by serving and obeying God. Works of loving service are not substitutes for, but a verification of our faith in Christ. Serve Christ in the way He tells you, not by feeling you will not “earn” salvation.

The way God will show us to serve Him will not be burdensome, but a joy. Get plugged-in to what Jesus wants you to do. You may feel it is not enough in what he shows you. Once again, it is not about “doing,” but honoring and serving God in the ways He desires.

There are others who serve Christ to please people and gain approval. There can be a real desire to be recognized by man. Some in the church may even highly esteem you and give you accolades, so in turn you do more to please. This type of serving usually involves important titles and positions in the church.

Be set free to know that you do enough in serving Christ, and that you cannot earn salvation by your works of service. God loves you, not what you do or how you perform.

In what ways have you been under the “bondage” of serving? Share your story. I would love to hear from you, and to share with our readers.

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