Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pushing Through the Dark Forces of Resistance

Resistance-Something trying to hold you back. In spiritual resistance you will not see what is resisting your growth, progress or freedom but you will know something is off or just not right. You probably cannot “put your finger” on what you are experiencing but deep inside you understand a force is resisting you.

Spiritual resistance comes strongly before break through. You will feel like quitting, giving up and going back to what you know is “normal.”

When you are trying to move forward the enemy reminds you of your past as often as he can. You will feel the sting of the enemy’s missiles directed at a time in your history that you could not overcome a certain stronghold, sin, or weakness. You will hear the taunting voice of the condemner, “Do you really think you can overcome this time?” If in your past you have not been able to conqueror fear, but this time in your life you have believed God that it is time to step out, you very likely will be opposed by the enemy from the situations in your past that caused you fear. You may not have overcome whatever in your past that caused you to be fearful, but it is not over! Most people want instant deliverance from their addictions, sins, or whatever other area of bondage they are in, rarely, does this happen. Most often, our deliverance happens over time. If you have failed to overcome a certain sin or bondage in your life before, try again, this time with the awareness that resistance will come but you can experience complete freedom.

Getting free from addictions, long-held sins, generational strongholds, old habits, or even desiring to serve God can sound an alarm to the enemy’s camp-invade, overwhelm, discourage, and resist any attempts that person tries to make to overcome. The stronger and longer you have been battling something, the stronger the resistance will be. Yes, some people do get instant deliverance but if you are not one of those people, you are not alone.

Steps to push through the spiritual resistance:

1.      Recognize, resistance will come. Brace yourself. Take a deep breath and tell yourself this time you will go through all the way with Jesus on your side.

2.      Rise early every morning to seek shelter under the Almighty. I do not say to rise early legalistically, but it will be important to commune with the Lord before your day starts before the distractions begin. If you have trouble being still, play some soaking worship music in the background. Get your Bible, a journal and a pen and sit quietly before the Lord. God speaks most often in quietness, not noise. Turn off or put away all electronic devices. Allow Holy Spirit to give you Divine strategies to defeat and conqueror the enemy.

3.      No matter what it looks like, keep moving forward towards your breakthrough.

Last month as I began to believe God again for a break through in my life, I was meet with strong resistance. I would like to note that what I experienced does not have to be spiritual resistance, some times challenges happen, but for me as I sat with the Lord and asked Him, “What has been going on this last month?” God began to reveal to my spirit that it was resistance from the enemy. A month ago, I decided that I was going to become free from a couple of areas in my life that were harmful to me, I do believe God initially placed in my spirit that it was time to get free. God confirmed this by my church doing a small group on Freedom. I agreed to attend this Freedom group and I decided to finally be done with my fleshly appetites-then the battle began!

4.      Don’t quit when you are experiencing the resistance. No matter how tired you are or how you are not seeing results yet, keep moving forward. If you don’t quit when it’s the hardest you will not only gain strength to overcome any future setbacks but you will know how to persevere.

5.      Set your mind that you will not go back or hold onto things that are harmful. Decide ahead of time that you will be resilient when challenges come. As the enemy throws his “arrows” your way stop them from penetrating you by trusting God will protect you and He will be a safe refuge for you when you come to Him.

6.      As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have the authority over demonic forces. Use your authority and command the spirit of resistance to be bound in Jesus Christ name. Command all hindering spirits, spirits causing delay and spirits of sabotage to be bound in the name of Jesus Christ. Ask Holy Spirit to cover you with His protection and cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ. The enemy hates the blood of Jesus, for it is his defeat but our victory.


The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19

Have you ever experienced spiritual resistance? What did you do about it?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Attributes of a Spiritual Warrior

As a believer in Jesus Christ we are in an unseen spiritual battle.

Satan wants to keep believers ineffective as warriors for the kingdom of God by keeping us living in a cycle of defeat and living in bondage of the past. The enemy operates from a place of defeat, but Christians who know their authority fight from a position of victory.

If you plan on serving in the army of God you will need to know how to effectively battle unseen spiritual forces that oppose all things of the kingdom of God.

You must decide what side you will be on-the Kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You cannot serve both sides.

What are the attributes of a spiritual warrior

            A spiritual warrior:

·         Has been trained intensely for battle, and they know who their enemy is and how to properly disarm the enemies’ weapons wielded against them and others.

·         Never compromises with their enemy. Know their position and stand firmly in the rank of God’s army as a warrior.

·         Know when to retreat from battles they face and allow their Commander-in-Chief (Jesus Christ) to heal their wounds and refresh their spirits.

·         Get orders from their Commander daily how to siege the enemy.

·         May have scars from the many battles they have endured, but their scars remind them of victory as Jesus’ scars are a reminder there is victory over sin and death.

·         Has a heart to protect the innocent, the hurting and the weak.

·         Looks for opportunities to enlist others in the army of God.

·         They are fierce in their mission-to plunder the plots, the plans, and the schemes of the enemy.

·         Know that the battles are won on their knees not by force, control or by arguments.

·         Use love without conditions as their greatest weapon of war.

·         Desires above all else to see God’s redemptive plan for all mankind, and that the heart of the warrior is to see all turn their hearts to God.

·         Are dedicated and committed fully to the Kingdom of God-no crossing over into the enemy’s camp.

·         Are willing to stand alone and fight even if everyone has backed down or compromised in any way their convictions and beliefs.

·         Primary job is to take territory away or back from the enemy’s camp.

·         Never back down in defeat, they may need time to restore from open wounds but they always rise.

·         Know their authority is in Jesus Christ.

·         They decree and declare victory over situations, circumstances and people because they know they are fighting from a place of victory not defeat.

If a warrior has been knocked down because of tremendous warfare, they will always rise back up.

A warrior for the kingdom of God cannot be permanently down, there is no going back or giving up for a warrior.

A warrior will come out stronger in each battle they face.

A warrior for the kingdom of God is the biggest threat to the kingdom of darkness. You will be opposed by the kingdom of darkness. Some days you will feel weak spiritually, physically, and mentally from the opposition but you will gain your strength back each time when get in the presence of God. During these times you will need get into quietness and solitude with the Lord for His direction and refreshment to poured over you. The enemy wants to keep you in a place of weakness, so if you continue to run around in busyness you will not gain your strength that you need to get back in the fight. You will know when you need a day, half day or perhaps longer to regain your strength from the Lord because you will feel physically exhausted and spiritually weak. During this time, shut your phone off or place in another room, get off all electronic devices, and grab your journal, Bible and sit. If you have trouble quieting your thoughts play soaking worship music in the background.

The enemy has already been defeated so a warrior’s position is always fighting from a place of victory. The war is already won! Jesus has won and we as believer’s in Christ have won. The enemy’s goal is to take away our victory through deception, and bring defeat into our lives through various means. BUT WARRIORS REMIND THE ENEMY THAT HE IS ALREADY DEFEATED AND WE WIN!

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