Thursday, August 23, 2018

Counselor's Corner: Why We Don't Like Disappointing Others

Since I was a little girl I always wanted to please the adults in my life, as I grew older that really did not change much. I do not like letting people down or having to tell anyone, “No.” I fear that that person will get mad at me and think less than positive things about me. I have gotten better over the years of telling others, “No,” but sometimes it still bothers me to tell someone,” I am not able to do that at this time.”

Where does this root of people-pleasing stem from? Insecurity, having a lack of personal boundaries, and the fear of man (caring too much what others think).

But I’m learning IT IS OKAY to disappoint others. When we fail to recognize that we will disappoint others and that is okay, it can lead to stress, fear and worry. We must get comfortable with letting others down. We must be tuned-in to the Holy Spirit so that He can let us know if we are to go here or there. Oftentimes, the Holy Spirit does not speak anything direct to our spirits  but we have a deep inner “knowing,” a settled peace, and there is a natural flow (in other words, you don’t have guilt or try to figure out how you can fit one more thing into your already packed schedule). When we tell others no, they most likely will not like that answer and possibly pout or sulk, but that is not your problem. If someone manipulates you through guilt by their words or even facial and body language you know that is not coming from the Lord.

How can we respond to others disappointing us? If you ask a request of someone and they politely say, “No thank you, I am not going to go this time;” we should respect their response and simply say,” No problem at all.” This can take the guilt of saying no off the person that is declining your invitation. If we get upset either by our words or non-verbal body language, we are sending a guilt message to that person.

We cannot please everyone all the time. We cannot agree to everyone’s request that comes our way and keep our sanity. When someone is disappointed with you, it is out of your control-and it is their problem!

Fear of letting people down will cause you to do things you were not intended to do. We don’t want others to reject us, so we agree to do what is best for them and not necessarily for us. The root of rejection can stem all the way back to our childhood, and if we still carry around that root of rejection we will have a more difficult time disappointing others.
Sometimes we have trouble disappointing others because we don’t want them to feel rejected or hurt, but most people are resilient and will “get over” you saying no to them quickly. We cannot be responsible for how others will take our, “No, thank you.” If there is a mutual respect between two people it will be very easy to say how you really feel and what you can or can’t do. Saying “No” is often most difficult with family, spouses, friends, and your boss. The people we are the closet to are the hardest to disappoint, and that is because we want them to continue to love us, accept us, and think good things about us. However, we should be more concerned about pleasing our Heavenly Father.

Learn to practice saying, “No,” and being okay with disappointing others. If you want everyone to be happy with you ALL the time, you will need to get over that! Not everyone will be happy or pleased with us 100% of the time. If you are putting other’s needs ahead of your own needs, you are setting yourself up for feelings of resentment. Get to the root of why you can’t say, “No” to others. Perhaps you enjoy being liked and validated or just need to feel needed. Getting the approval of others may make you feel like you are a good person. Maybe your main issue is how people will view you. You certainly don’t want to be viewed as lazy, uncaring, or selfish.

You have a choice! You DO NOT have to say, “Yes,” when someone asks something of you. If someone asks you for something it is perfectly OKAY to say,” I need to get back with you on that at a later time.” Don’t give into the demands of pushy people wanting an answer right away. If you do agree to someone’s request, SET A TIME LIMIT. For example, “We can meet Saturday from 12pm-2pm.” If you don’t set limits and boundaries with certain people, your time will be taken advantage of. Some people clearly will manipulate and try and take every advantage of you. You can spot the manipulator by their flattery. You do not have to defend your decision with excessive reasoning. The manipulator will use your reasoning to gain wiggle room to get you to say yes, such as, “Oh, you can do that later. “Don’t apologize for telling someone, “No.” It makes you appear like you are at fault.

You are entitled to your time, your need to rest, and your boundaries. We all have emotional and physical limits, and not everyone knows what they are in our lives. Setting boundaries can include the times we answer our phone, have company, and letting others know they will need to call and ask if they can come over. Yes, others may be disappointed that you have personal boundaries, but they will get over it if they truly respect and love you.

Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. Proverbs 29:25, NLT

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10, ESV

How about you? What do you struggle with the most in disappointing others?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Counselor's Corner: When the Enemy Tempts You to Go Back

When you have been making progress towards your walk with God or your destiny, the enemy oftentimes sends reminders of your past in hopes you will long for those times again. The enemy will not remind you of how awful living in sin was but will remind you of the glamorous times you had with sin. When you live a sinful lifestyle all of it is not bad, in fact some of the time it can be exciting and pleasurable.

Sin always reveals its dark nature. Give it enough time and sin will show its destructive side.

If you leave any “crack” open to your sinful past the enemy will come to see if he can gain full entrance back into your life. That is why you must shut the door and keep it locked from the things that kept you in bondage before. If you used to have a gambling addiction and have been set free from gambling, then going into a casino would be that “shut door” you would want to maintain. If you lived a lifestyle of debauchery then hanging out in a bar now would be a “shut and locked door.”

Do not entertain those things in your past that held you in captivity. Run, flee from whatever is causing you to stumble or look upon lustfully for those former things. Be mindful of the company that you keep and the lure that they can have upon you to go back. Anyone living in sin will not reveal to you the real dangers, but they will try and persuade you of the fun and allurement of what they are doing. There is no fun in the end for people who do not turn from their sins and turn to God. Yes, sin can be inviting but the end result is that sin leads to death either physical or spiritual and even both!

It is not always easy to stand against sin. When you are weak spiritually, physically or mentally the temptation to sin is greater. Focus on the reality of going back to sin. Sin hinders your relationship with God. God is Holy and He cannot be associated with sin. God will still love you in the midst of sin, but there are consequences to sin. Sin destroys. The enemy’s ultimate goal is not to just to get you to sin but to destroy your witness and your walk with God.

If you are being tempted to go back to your old sinful lifestyle, because you feel the Christian life is hard or you are in a lot of pain and your prayers seem to go unnoticed-WAIT! DON’T GO BACK! If you go back surely you will die in the wilderness as your ancestors did. The enemy hopes you will fall back into the things that almost destroyed your life and many of your family’s lives, but you are now part of a new bloodline that belongs to Jesus Christ. If you go back you may not come back as quick and very possible you won’t come back at all.

Was your life really that great before? If you are tired of living a boring Christin life as you watch those around you “living it up”, it is an illusion. If you went home with the person that you saw having a great time at a party that you really wanted to attend, you would also see that person throwing up in the bathroom because the first drink they had was fun but the fourth drink made them sick to their stomachs and the next day they suffered from a horrible headache, dizziness and more stomach aches.

Make a clean break today from anything that would hinder your relationship with God. Come out from among them and be separate. You cannot concern yourself with what people will think of you because you choose not to “run with them.”

The enemy will dig up your past in hopes that you will lust for it again. The enemy will use anyone to accomplish this.

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).

In this scripture Jesus asked the disciples to watch and pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, but they fell asleep! Failure to watch and pray will lead you through temptation’s door. Jesus says that you may want to do the right thing but your flesh opposes that because it is weak. Your flesh is the door the enemy gains entrance through.

The Bible is clear about giving into sin after you know better:

It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known and then turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them

(2 Peter 2:21).

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and a raging fire will consume the enemies of God

(Hebrews 10:26-27).

Christians do sin, BUT the Christian lifestyle is not to be identified by a life of sin. Christians should be moving forward towards holiness not backsliding into old sinful lifestyles.

Move forward in holiness and DON’T GO BACK! Going back will keep you in the “wilderness” and you stand at the entrance of your “promised land,” and not be able to enter.

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