Thursday, August 9, 2018

Out With the Old and in With the New

Ask God what old things need to be discarded in your life, and what new things He is wanting to bring into your life. Get alone with God and ask Him what you need to let go of.

You may have to get rid of the old before God can make room for the new. Some things no longer work for us, and we need to have wisdom to what those things are. If you are going to purchase a new car and your old car is still in the garage, how can you make room for that new car? Some will try and fit the new car with the old car, but why would you want to hold onto your old car if it no longer is working? Some of us need to stop holding onto to the things in our past, so that God can make room for the new things He is trying to bring to pass.

Reflect and Ponder: Ask yourself what is no longer working in your life? For example you want to go forward in your life and experience all that God has for you but you are still holding onto selfishness, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness or pride. Perhaps God is asking you to let go of worry and fear. Anything that could be hindering you from moving forward God very well may have you to remove these before preceding to what He has for you next. If you have gotten yourself into the habit of complaining, God may have you deal with this before experiencing your breakthrough or blessing that you have been waiting for.

Counselor’s Corner:

Before we can move into our new season we have to let go of the old first:

“Old what you may be asking?”
1.         Old attitudes that kept us in the “wilderness,” and moving into our “promised land.” These attitudes include: complaining, murmuring, fault-finding, covertness, thanklessness, and idolatry.

2.         Old mind-sets. Allowing our minds to think whatever it wants, and not taking every thought captive into the obedience of Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Thinking thoughts that are negative, faithless, and hopeless. Some of us have strongholds and lies that we have believed for years and need to be torn-down by renewing our minds in the Word of God.

3.         Holding onto the old things of the past. Some friendships, ministries, and possibly marriages did not succeed but when we hold onto these things and condemn ourselves repeatedly for our past mistakes we cannot move forward. Ask God to forgive you if you need to, and believe that God has forgiven you and that He does not want you dwelling in your past any longer. (Philippians 3:13-14).
Moving forward into our promised land will require “letting go” of former things. Former things that are no longer working for us, and possibly areas of sin in our lives that must be dealt with. It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing!
Isaiah 43:18

Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3: 14

If what you are doing in your life is not working, it is time to make some changes. The mental health definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Is it time for change?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Counselor's Corner: How to Have Joy Again

Joy is not a feeling but a choice. You have to CHOOSE joy, otherwise you will succumb to your feelings and emotions. Our feelings and emotions can take us on a roller coaster ride. We can feel happy when our circumstances are going well and depressed when our circumstances are troubling. Joy, however, can be with us everyday through the good times and the not-so good times.

Joy does not =happiness. Biblical joy is a by-product of a confident, calm and relaxed state that trusts in the Sovereignty of God at all times. Happiness comes as a result of something positive happening to us or around us, such as getting a raise at work or when two people fall in love.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.” Happiness is not mentioned as the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We cannot generate this true joy ourselves, it is the product of the Holy Spirit in us. This type of joy cannot be extinguished by the circumstances of life. As a Christian if you rarely feel joy this in an indicator of a problem that shows there is brokenness such as anger, repressed trauma or hopelessness. Ask Holy Spirit to show you the root of your lack of joy.

Joy has not come easy for me over the years, I admit I have struggled to find joy during my difficult seasons. Many of my circumstances are still challenging, and I don’t feel happy about the pain many of the people and situations in my life has caused. I can however, CHOOSE to be joyful despite these difficulties. The big question is how? I can tell you firsthand, joy does not look like happiness. Joy can be described as a calm delight that God is in control and you can enjoy the blessings that you do have while not focusing on the hardships. Happiness is a feel-good emotion that produces elation, excitability and temporary pleasure.

How to get your joy back:

If you have not had joy in a while, take heart because joy can be restored.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation, and make me willing to obey you. Psalm 51:12

Joy is found in God’s presence. If you are lacking in joy, trying to spend intimate time with God.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures fovermore. Psalm 16:11

Joy is the result of righteousness. If you have unrepented sin in your life, it will diminish your joy.

Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose hearts are right. Psalm 97:11

Joy can be found in God’s word.

Your statues are my heritage forever; they are joy of my heart. Psalm 119:11

Joy comes with hope. Develop the habit of anticipating God’s goodness in your life.

The hope of the righteous brings joy. Proverbs 10:28

Joy comes when we trust the Lord.

Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord. Psalm 40:4

Jesus said,” These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.” John 15:11

The apostle Paul said, “always rejoice.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Rekindle your love for Jesus to get your joy back. Perhaps you have been angry, disappointed or let-down by God and have kept Him at a distance. Admit to God your feelings, and then ask Him to fill you afresh with an outpouring of His love.

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